Welcome to 
Grand Avenue Baptist Church

It is our desire to create disciples who worship, grow, and go. We do this through reaching people, equipping them to love and serve Jesus, and sending them to reach, teach, and send others.

Sunday Mornings

9:30 AM - Worship
11:00 AM - Community Groups
Grand Avenue Baptist Church is a place where people can meet Jesus,  engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday services!

Join us!
you'll be glad that you did.

We are a group of imperfect people who found hope in the saving grace of Jesus.  
We won't force you to talk, but we'll be ready to listen if you ever want to.  

Most Recent Sermons

 Service Times

SUNDAY - Worship - 9:30 AM
Community Groups - 11:00AM
WEDNESDAY - All activities begin at  6:30PM